Illustration by Meg Potoma (@megpotoma)

A Critical Annotation of Drexel’s President, John Fry’s, Recent Statement on Anti-Racism Initiatives

Drexel Community for Justice
2 min readJul 21, 2020


We, members of Drexel Community for Justice, are deeply concerned by President John Fry’s statement (07–17–20) outlining plans to address racist institutional policies and practices.

Drexel has long been a white institution, where Black and URM students, staff and faculty have either felt unwelcome or marginalized. At this critical moment, it is essential that President Fry act more decisively on his announced willingness to address Drexel’s racist legacy.

Read our annotation of President Fry’s letter below:

Drexel Community for Justice believes the commitment to dismantle systemic racism requires the following actions:

1. Terminate any current contracts with the Philadelphia Police Department.

2. End all financial contributions to the Philadelphia Police Foundation.

3. Divest from the Drexel University Police.

4. Invest in the Education Equity Fund, paying at least 40% of forgone property taxes. These funds will be used to meet the essential needs of Philadelphia public schools.

5. Appoint a committee of law scholars and community stakeholders to conduct an independent investigation of Drexel University Police practices.

6. Safely hold University events without armed officials.

7. Practice transparency with students and community members, publishing a quarterly report on the University’s ongoing anti-racism initiatives.

Drexel has the opportunity and the obligation to stand in solidarity with the rising chorus of voices demanding an end to racism and police violence. But more than words and intentions are required. We call for concrete actions.


Drexel Community for Justice

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Drexel Community for Justice

An anti-racist, abolitionist organization comprised of Drexel University community members fighting for economic, racial and gender justice.